Rölli was mated with swedish Attrejo 6.-7.8.2010. We took Rölli to pregnancy control, where it was verified that she is expecting puppies! We are waiting the puppies to be born in the beginning of october and the puppies could move to their new homes in the end of november or in the beginning of december. You will find more information about the combination from this post.
FIN CH NORDJW-05 BH TK2 AGI3 Lawnlake Show What
terveys (health): lonkat (hips) A/A, kyynärät (elbows) 0/0, silmät terveet (eyes healthy)
Rölli kilpailee agilityssä 3. luokassa ja tokossa voittajaluokassa. Rölli oli vuonna 2009 partisten agilitymestari luokassa 2 ja vuonna 2010 partisten agilitymestari luokassa 3. Rölli on suorittanut palveluskoirakokeisiin osallistumiseen vaadittavan käyttäytymiskokeen (BH) ja palveluskoiralajeista haku on Röllin ehdoton suosikki. Rölli on suorittanut Suomessa vielä epävirallisen paimennustaipumuskokeen hyväksytysti keskiarvolla 4.0 (max 5.0) ja läpäissyt hyväksytysti luonnetestin pistein +158, laukausvarma (myös mm. testatusti toimintakykyinen, taisteluhaluinen, kohtuullisen kova, avoin). Näyttelyissä Rölli on menestynyt myös aikanaan mukavasti (titteleiden lisäksi mm. RYP4, 3xROP, 4xVSP, 3xCACIB), nykyään agilityn viedessä suurimman osan ajasta.
Rölli on hieno harrastuskaveri (ja sivutoiminen kotikoira), sillä se on sosiaalinen, miellyttämisen haluinen, aktiivinen, iloinen, toistoa kestävä, väsymätön ja ruualle perso. Röllin aiemmassa pentueesssa on kaksi Suomen muotovaliota, yksi kilpailee tokon avoimessa luokassa ja yksi voittajaluokassa, yksi kilpailee agilityn 2. luokassa, yksi on kilpaillut pk-jäljellä erinomaisin maasto-osuuksin ja yksi on läpäissyt paimennustaipumuskokeen.
Rölli is competing in agility in the highest class (in class 3) and in obedience in winner class (third class in Finland). In the year 2009 Rölli was bearded collie agility champion in class 2 and 2010 bearded collie agility champion in class 3. Rölli has passed a behaviour test which is needed to compete in working trial competitions. Search is Röllis ultimate favourite in working trial sports. Rölli has passed a herding instinct test (which in Finland still is unofficial) with average of 4.0 (while 5.0 is the maximum). Rölli has also passed a mental test with points +158, gun shot proof (the test revieled also that Rölli is able to function, willing to struggle, pretty tough and open-minded). In the shows Rölli has also done well (besides the titles ia. BIG4, 3xBOB, 4xBOS, 3xCACIB), as nowadays we spend most of the time doing agility.
Rölli has been a great working companion (and at the same time a familydog) as she is social, willing to please, is active and happy, stands repeat, is tireless and greedy with food. In Röllis previous litter there are two show champions, two dogs are competing in open class in obedience and one in winner class, one is competing in agility in class 2, one has competed in working trials in tracking with excellent tracking part and one has passed the herding instinct test.
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Rölli agilityssä / Rölli in agility |
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Rölli |
S CH NORDJW-07 Svassas Born To Impress
terveys (health): lonkat (hips) A/A
Attrejo on suorittanut hyväksytysti virallisen paimennustaipumuskokeen ja verijäljen taipumuskokeen. Attrejo on suorittanut ruotsalaisen luonnekuvauksen, MH-testin, joka sisältää mm. ampumisen. Kävimme katsomassa Attrejoa Ruotsissa ennen astutuspäätöstä tarkoituksenamme nähdä omin silmin luonnetta, mm. taistelutahtoa, sosiaalisuutta ja ihmishakuisuutta. Attrejon kanssa ei ole kilpailtu taipumuskokeita lukuunottamatta, mutta se on hyvin taistelutahtoinen, avoin, ruualla motivoitavissa oleva, aktiivinen ja ihmisen kanssa tekemisestä kiinnostunut. Tapasimme samalla myös Attrejon äidin, Kiwin (INTCH SCH FINCH NCH DKCH SW-07 NORDW-05 S TVA S JVA AGI3 Alistair's Watch Out), joka oli aivan mahtava paketti ja valioitunut kolmella eri saralla! Kiwin lisäksi tapasimme Attrejon täyssiskon Russinin (SCH FINCH NORDJW-07 S JVA Svassas Born To Amaze), puolisiskon M:n (S JVA, TK1 Svassas First Success), täysveljen Happyn (TK1 Svassas Born Happy) ja puolisiskon pojan Viggon (Svassas Do It Perfect). Kaikki edellämainitut MH-testattuja ja paimennustaipumuskokeen ja verijäljen taipumuskokeen läpäisseitä. Lähisuvusta Attrejon äidin äiti Pepsi oli myös agilityvalio. Attrejo on isänä jo yhdelle pentueelle. Pentue on menestynyt näyttelypuolella hyvin, mm. narttujen maailmanvoittaja 2010, Firstprizebears Helen Hunt.
Attrejo has passed a harding instinct test and (blood)tracking instinct test. Attrejo has been mental tested (MH) which includes shooting. We went to see Attrejo to Sweden before desicions made about mating to see the character with our own eyes, including to see the will to struggle, sociability and tendency to work with a aman. There has been no competing with Attrejo besides the instinct tests, but he is really willing to struggle, open-minded, able to be motivated with food, active and willing to work with a man. On the same trip we met also Attrejos mother Kiwi (INTCH SCH FINCH NCH DKCH SW-07 NORDW-05 S OBEDIENCE CH S TRACKING CH AGI3 Alistair's Watch Out), who was an amazing package and a champion in three different areas! Besides Kiwi, we met Attrejos sister Russin (SCH FINCH NORDJW-07 S TRACKING CH Svassas Born To Amaze), halfsister M (S JVA, LP1 Svassas First Success), brother Happy (LP1 Svassas Born Happy) and halfsisters son Viggo (Svassas Do It Perfect). Everyone of them mentioned above were mental tested (MH) and had passed herding instinct test and (blood)tracking instinct test. Of the near relatives also Attrejos mothers mother Pepsi was agility champion. Attrejo is already a father to one litter. The litter has done well in dog shows, for example a world winner of bitches -2010, Firstprizebears Helen Hunt.
Attrejo has passed a harding instinct test and (blood)tracking instinct test. Attrejo has been mental tested (MH) which includes shooting. We went to see Attrejo to Sweden before desicions made about mating to see the character with our own eyes, including to see the will to struggle, sociability and tendency to work with a aman. There has been no competing with Attrejo besides the instinct tests, but he is really willing to struggle, open-minded, able to be motivated with food, active and willing to work with a man. On the same trip we met also Attrejos mother Kiwi (INTCH SCH FINCH NCH DKCH SW-07 NORDW-05 S OBEDIENCE CH S TRACKING CH AGI3 Alistair's Watch Out), who was an amazing package and a champion in three different areas! Besides Kiwi, we met Attrejos sister Russin (SCH FINCH NORDJW-07 S TRACKING CH Svassas Born To Amaze), halfsister M (S JVA, LP1 Svassas First Success), brother Happy (LP1 Svassas Born Happy) and halfsisters son Viggo (Svassas Do It Perfect). Everyone of them mentioned above were mental tested (MH) and had passed herding instinct test and (blood)tracking instinct test. Of the near relatives also Attrejos mothers mother Pepsi was agility champion. Attrejo is already a father to one litter. The litter has done well in dog shows, for example a world winner of bitches -2010, Firstprizebears Helen Hunt.
Attrejo 6.8.2010 |
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